Monday, December 1, 2008

The Game We Need

January 29, 2009 - Minneapolis, Minnesota

Yeah, its here and America needs it. The spectacle that is the Super Bowl returns this Sunday for the 43rd time. And it seems to be just when we need it the most. In a year that has brought record unemployment, Wall Street bailouts, political corruption and two continuing wars, we really, really need the break.

For a few hours on Sunday Americans will collectively gather around the blue glow of their televisions and enjoy a needed break from all the gloom and doom. Beer and salty chips will be consumed in copious amounts, high fives will be exchanged and commercials will be rated. And we will rejoice in the half time musical stylings of the great Bruce Springsteen and the E Street Band.

We need this game and it won't matter if its not close, we don't care, we just need the time off. McNary and I will make our predictions on the show tomorrow night so tune in and make yours.

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